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Contact Us

We are happy to talk about our work or ways in which you might be able to help.

Please contact us at:

Head Office
SOS Children’s Village of Jamaica Foundation
National Office
26 Peter Pan Avenue (Brandon Hill)
P.O. Box 654, Montego Bay 2
Tel : (876) 952-6215, 979-5850
Fax: (876) 979-5855
e-mail: information@sos-jamaica.org


SOS Children’s Village Barrett Town
Rose Hall P.O.
Montego Bay
St. James
Tel : (876)953-7845/7473
Fax: (876) 953-7474


SOS Children’s Village Stony Hill
Old Stony Hill Road
Stony Hill P.O., Box 93
Tel : (876) 942-9511/2744
Fax: (876) 942-9510


SOS-Kinderdorf International 
Brigittenauer Lande 50
1200 Wien
Tel : +43-1-3682457-0

International Donor Services 
Fax +43-1-3682457-2100
e-mail: sponsorship.office@sos-kd.org


You can also visit our FAQs page to answer your questions about sponsoring a child, fundraising for SOS Children's Villages UK and the measures in place to protect the children we serve.

SOS Children's Villages UK is the United Kingdom member of the SOS Children's Villages federation, an independent international non-governmental development organisation.
We are a registered charity (number 1069204), and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (number 3346676).



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