Institutional partners

We work with international organisations, such as the United Nations and the European Union, and with other charities to improve the circumstances of vulnerable children, their families and communities around the world. These relationships have enabled us to shape global policy on development, education, children’s rights and a host of other issues which impact children’s lives. They also enable us to respond faster and more effectively, to crisis situations when children need our help.
Together, we are working towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to end world poverty by 2030. Our work, helping families and communities to thrive and improving children’s access to education and healthcare, is helping bring the world closer to achieving this target every day.

As experts in the care and protection of unsupported children, we also played a key part in drafting the UN Guidelines for the Alterative Care of Children, which sets out global policy and best practice for the care of orphaned and abandoned children worldwide.

We also advocate for children’s rights internationally and nationally. In the UK, SOS Children’s Villages is currently campaigning in support of the Refugee Family Reunion Bill as it makes its way through Parliament, helping child refugees reunite with their families.