
We work with vulnerable children and their families in 125 countries across five continents. Last year we improved the lives of more than one million people.

SOS Children’s Villages cares for 60,000 children in more than 550 village communities – with our schools, healthcare and family strengthening programmes supporting another 328,000 children in the surrounding areas.

We have seen first-hand the remarkable job SOS does to raise children and keep families together. The SOS model of providing care for children without parental care is one of the best, as they are still in a family setting within their own country.

Angelina Jolie


children and families made stable and strong.


medical and nutrition services performed.


children educated and trained in job skills.


emergency response services provided in 23 countries in 2016.

Measuring our long-term impact

These figures tell only part of the story. They reflect our impact in one year, but they don’t show how we are improving people’s lives in the longer term. And each of these numbers tells has its own tale to tell.
That’s why we developed a social impact assessment methodology that measures how people who were cared for or supported by SOS Children’s Villages UK and our sister organisations as children are doing – years later – in eight dimensions: care, physical health, social and emotional well-being, education and skills, protection, livelihood, food security and shelter.


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